Official Course Bulletin Description
3 hours; 3 credits
Banned picture books, early readers, middle grade, and young adult novels by Latinx authors and illustrators. Emphasis on contemporary books dealing with topics of identity, (im)migration, intergenerational connections, community, LGBTQ+, social movements, and changemakers. Literature analysis and advocacy plan; translingual texts, and translanguaging pedagogy in monolingual and bilingual settings. Censorship in education.
Prerequisite: PRLS 1001 or PRLS 2005 or PRLS 2105 or PRLS 3105 or PRLS 3203 or ENGL 1010
Overview: Diverse literature with Latinx representation makes up 9% of the books published in 2023. Latinx students make up 42% of New York City public school’s student population. This course amplifies the representation for those looking to enter the teaching field or other fields where knowledge of this literature is indispensable. This course considers themes of censorship and book bans, not just in states like Texas and Florida, but in places like New York City where curriculum demands often silence underrepresented voices. The course will focus on immersing students in the texts, providing lenses of analysis, opportunities to connect the texts with New York City locations, and multiple entry points for planning ways to use the texts in learning spaces. The course will also support students’ writing as they use the texts as mentor texts for their own stories.
Course Information
- Course Number and Name: PRLS 3316: Banned Books: Teaching Latinx Children and Youth Literature
- Section Code: TR11 Code:36340
- Instructor: Prof. Carla España (she/her)
- Class time: Tuesdays and Thursdays 11:00 am – 12:15 pm
- Office: 1204B Boylan Hall
- Course Location: TBA
- Office hours: By appointment – All
- Course Format: Hybrid Synchronous students must meet twice with the professor
- Zoom: See your email and Course Site
- Email: [email protected]